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Donation Total: $100.00

Did you know we host a Saturday Bible Club? Weekends for families in Kibera are especially difficult because if the child is in school, the child has received food to eat, but the weekend means the parents must try to find food for their family. Many parents go hungry in hopes of feeding a little bit to their children. The high costs of food in Kenya makes it even more difficult. That is why we take our Bible Club so seriously.

Bible Club is a time where kids can come to a safe and clean environment to forget about their hunger and stresses of African life. After they spend time playing with their friends, we conduct a children’s service with music, prayer, and a lesson. Then, we break the children up into age appropriate groups to talk to them about the lesson and their lives. We always end our time with a snack and juice.

We would love to expand this program to a full feeding program. If you feel led to give, message us.