It has been a dream of ours for the past ten years to build in Africa. We have started the process a few times, only for God to tell us to wait. This was at time difficult because as humans we desire to have something physical that we can all our own. We are grateful that our team worked through this human weakness and focused on what God desires for this ministry. The more we listened, the better our idea became!  And in fact, the more we listened to God, the small our building became too!

We learned that we didn’t need a magnificent building to save lives and make an impact. All we needed was four walls. Our team is proud of what is currently in process. This particular building blends in very well with its surrounds of Kibera. Although small it has plans for large impact.

This building’s services will change as Kibera Slum changes. We desire to serve how we are needed, not how we want. How will this building be used?

The Acacia Educational Centre will serve as a place of love, a place of joy, and  place of smiles. This is a place filled with Jesus. During the day it will serve as a place to host clean water classes for families, Bible studies for women and men, and as an office for our employees. In the evenings, we desire our sponsored children to come after school to have a place to work on their homework. On the weekends, it will host our Bible Club for children on Saturdays. We will also partner with a current church in Kibera and allow them to expand into this building on Sundays. This is only the beginning! Having this place will also allow us to extend our partnerships further too! We are excited to see where God takes us!

The building process has been long, but it is almost finished! The building is set to be completed by the end of April.