We are in awe of Harvest Baptist Church of Wapakoneta, who rose to the challenge to bring hope and opportunity to 20 more children. In just a few short days this church listened, prayed, and reacted.

Harvest Baptist Church similar values Acacia in that we should  “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

These twenty children, who now get to attend school at two of our partner schools in Kibera Slum, now have opportunity that they may have never gotten otherwise. Because of them, they have more access to food, clean water, and education, along with a decrease chance of death, child marriages, or being trafficked to work.

They believe in what Jesus did. “Jesus said to go into our community and show His love, His grace, His forgiveness. That is what [Harvest] try[s] to do as a body of believers. [They] want to connect with our community in such a way that they can’t help but see Christ in us.” We Acacia of Hope also desire to share and display Christ in all we do. Every one of our ministries has an aspect of evangelism.

We are proud to work with Harvest Baptist Church! We are humbled and honored to be their hands and feet!


More information on Harvest:

Service Times: Sundays at 8:45am & 10:45am

(419) 739-3980
1301 Navajo Trail
Wapakoneta, OH 45895