“Elevation Outreach is a ministry of Elevation Church that partners with organizations all around the world that are meeting needs in their communities. They partner with over 400 organizations that support local and global communities in the areas of Education, Food Insecurity, Disaster Relief, Medical Support and more.” We are humbled and grateful to be one of those organizations and participate in their Love Week 2023!

This week we have been able to partner with volunteers from Elevation Church in some exciting events! Over the weekend, 75 children were loved on and given a beautiful time. It was like Christmas day when chicken and chips came to them for lunch, a rare treat for these kiddos.

Then, 100 Bibles and 100 packages of flour and countless prayers given in the second largest slum in the world because of Elevation. Our event was to run for just two hours, BUT it ran into 5 hours. The volunteers walked around and gave food and Bible to those who are poorest in Nairobi, Kenya and maybe asked for prayer. They spent so much time just praying over people and we left so full of the Spirit!

Lastly, Elevation purchased 50 family-sized water filters that will provide clean and pure water to roughly 300 people! Time was spent worshipping God, showing the families how to properly maintain and clean their water filters, and praying over them.

Because of Elevation Church, lives are forever changed!