A few hours out from the capital of Nairobi is the village of Oltinka, where a group of beautiful Massai people live. The village chief works hard at keeping his village thriving. This village lives in well-made huts made of sticks and mud, carries water from long distances for their families, and uses the land to find some of their food and other resources. And on Sunday, they put on their best clothes and walk to a special tree where they gather to worship and learn about the Lord. Through the harsh climates of dry seasons and rainy seasons, they endure the weather to worship. The pastor of the tree church,Pastor Paul Oilepu, (seen in a blue suit), seeks to bring a church to his people. Acts 2: 46-47 says,

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

In partnership with Acacia of Hope, we desire to rise up a church from the dry African soil that the Living Water can shine even brighter in this village. This church is not just a building that will allow these amazing people to worship God in the heat or rainy seasons of the day, but a safe haven for those who desire to seek God in every season of life. This is a place where the little child can run into when its raining too hard to play outside. This is a place where the village council can come together and pray, seeking raining for their crops. This is a place where anyone can come, and cry to God during a hard day or desire a quiet time with God. This is so much more than a building; this is a house of the Lord.

The cost of building a church with basic supplies to match the village is just $4,500. If you feel led to give towards building this church, you can give to Acacia of Hope online at paypal.me/acaciaofhope.