This is the Acacia Educational Centre! It was built in mid-year in 2021. It is located in a new section of Kibera called Kianda (Key-on-duh).

Our centre is our headquarters for our ministries in Kenya. The centre provides a safe and clean environment for those we serve in Kibera Slum. We currently provide a variety of services including, but not limited to:

  • Share Christ to those we work with and serve in every event hosted
  • Provide employment opportunities for men and women
  • Share the Word of God by passing out Bibles and/or food
  • Partner with an NGO called New Beginnings to host a school for disabled children/adults
  • House our headquarters with an office
  • House a Sunday service for the Kibera community
  • Provide a Saturday Bible Club that hosts 50+ children that get to worship, learn, play, and eat
  • A place where we host water filter courses that are conducted quarterly
  • A place where Believers can come and pray, even during the night when we host events

We are so grateful for this building and do our best to make sure that no matter who walks in those doors, they are blessed and prayed for. Thank you for your prayers and support!